
Held by Longstock Park Nursery under the auspices of Plant Heritage the National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens.

A Beautiful Plant

When in full bloom and magical when covered in butterflies.

Longstock Nursery

Longstock Park Nursery is situated within Hampshire’s iconic Test Valley. It was founded in 1958 and is home to the National Collection: of Buddleja  Our aim is to introduce a wide range of unusual and robust plants, and we are particularly proud of our mature trees, climbing plants, herbaceous and aquatic ranges. We provide landscaping services and our visitors can also enjoy our new garden emporium offering interesting and unusual home and garden products.

We have a team of horticultural experts who love nothing more than to share and offer advice to fellow gardeners. We have something for everyone from beginners right through to specialists!

From the spring through to the autumn you can enjoy the stunning herbaceous flower beds in our walled gardens and maybe sample one of the kiwi fruits from our vines in the autumn…

Open 7 days a week we have a fantastic farm shop and cafe on the same site and we look forward to welcoming you to the Longstock Park Nursery soon.

ONLY THE  HARDY DAVIDII & SPECIES  can be  viewed  now in the Nursery  Gardens

The tender protected species can no longer be propagated

For interest, they are still listed and  described on this website 





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Plant Collections